Analysts reviewing China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd have recently updated their recommended buy/sell ratings and price targets on the stock. 11/30/2016 – China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd had its “neutral” rating reiterated by analysts at…
Tagged By technology
China plans to land probes on far side of moon, Mars by 2020
It indicates that China has mastered the underlying technology needed to land on a specific area of the lunar surface, he added. “China never talks big and says something it’s unable to achieve,” he said.…
China Mobile Eyes IoT Potential & 5G Network Technology to Reach 1.75b Connected Devices by 2020
China Mobile Communications Corporation, a Chinese state-owned telecommunication company that provides mobile voice and multimedia services through its nationwide mobile telecommunications network, aims to build 1.75 billion online connections by 2020. ( read original story…
China Confirms EmDrive Research, Plans To Use The Technology On Chinese Satellites As Soon As Possible
Notwithstanding NASA’s skepticism about the “reactionless space” engine, China has revealed that is going ahead with a working prototype of EmDrive space propulsion technology, signaling the technology’s success. According to reports that quoted China’s ……
China successfully tests EmDrive technology
China has successfully tested the potentially revolutionary spacecraft technology EMDrive in its labs, Dr. Chen Yue, the Director of Commercial Satellite Technology for the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), announced. While traditional spacecraft ……
'China could overtake US air superiority using hacked American technology'
The technology that went into China’s new J-20 jet fighter was stolen and diverted from export licenses the Commerce Department issued over a decade ago despite Defense Department objections, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof told…
China’s Fluctuating Mobile Market And Future Trends
China’s mobile market is by a comfortable margin the largest in the world, with over 1.3 billion monthly mobile subscribers across the three carriers. It is understandable then that short term trends and fashions can…
China's Year Of Virtual Reality
My company Niko Partners estimates China’s VR hardware 2016 market size will hit $300 million by the end of this month with mobile VR being the unequivocal leader in terms of hardware unit sales. Virtual…
Will Trump Have An Impact On China And Israel Investments?
Following the election of Donald Trump, many are now asking if the new president will have an impact on the growing investments in technology in the U.S., China and Israel. I previously mentioned Israel’s leverages…
US companies want to play China's game, they just can't win it
California’s Internet companies once dreamed of liberating China with technology, thinking that the system of censorship known as the Great Firewall would inevitably crumble like the Berlin Wall, paving the way for their advance in…
China Mobile eyes 1.75b connections by 2020
China Mobile Communications Corp, the world’s largest telecom carrier by subscribers, aims to enable 1.75 billion connections by 2020, as it is working hard to put home appliances, vehicles and other items online. Shang Bing,…
China Mobile reveals 4G customer base has reached 510 million
China Mobile has won the prize for the most fourth-generation network customers in 2016. The Chinese mainland’s largest telecom service provider said that – as of last month – it had almost 510 million 4G…
Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology
With all this talk of Russians allegedly interfering in U.S. elections, it is worth recalling that it wasn’t too long ago that the previous Democrat in the White House betrayed America by working hand in…