“I’m convinced China will never cooperate with a serious investigation unless they are made to do so,” Senator Lindsey Graham said. ( read original story …)
Tagged By shenzhen
Debt-laden Chinese developer Tahoe under fire from ‘anxious and desperate’ customers amid doubts over completion of Beijing, Shanghai projects
Troubled Chinese luxury villa developer Tahoe Group is facing pressure from hundreds of customers who fear its projects under construction in Beijing and Shanghai might fail and never be completed. ( read original story …)
Slowly but steadily, China strives to make widespread virus testing the new normal
Beijing resident Wang Yukun was happy to comply in April when the construction firm he works for told him he’d need to take a test for the novel coronavirus before he could come back to…
Donald Trump launches next round in his economic conflict with China
Beijing officials have been worried since late last year that Donald Trump would follow-up his two-year China trade fight with a “financial war”. The first shot in that second conflict was fired on … (…
Trump Senate Ally Seeks China Sanctions Over COVID-19 Probe
A leading U.S. Republican senator proposed legislation on Tuesday that would authorize the U.S. president to impose far-reaching sanctions on China if it fails to give a full account of events leading … ( read…
Asia virus latest: China city in partial lockdown, Seoul sees test surge
Here are the latest developments in Asia related to the novel coronavirus pandemic: – Chinese city in partial lockdown over ‘major risk’ of virus spread – A northeastern Chinese city has partially … ( read…
Canada’s Calgary Zoo to return two pandas to China because it can’t get enough bamboo to feed them
The Calgary Zoo in Canada is sending two giant pandas back to China due to a shortage of bamboo. The zoo said in a statement that it usually flies in bamboo from China to feed…
Slowly but steady, China strives to make widespread virus testing the new normal
Beijing resident Wang Yukun was happy to comply in April when the construction firm he works for told him he’d need to take a test for the novel coronavirus before he could come back to…
China Wants to Help the World Fight Coronavirus
Scapegoating and finger-pointing are pointless. This is a battle no country can afford to face alone. ( read original story …)
U.S. Senators Introduce China Sanctions Bill Over Virus
U.S. lawmakers are introducing a bill that would authorize President Trump to impose sanctions if China does not cooperate with investigations into the Covid-19 outbreak. The move does threaten to … ( read original story…
China’s aviation regulator says passenger numbers down 68.5% year-on-year in April
China’s aviation regulator said on Wednesday that passenger numbers fell 68.5% in April from a year earlier to 16.72 million. ( read original story …)
FBI arrests researcher for NASA who allegedly failed to report ties to China
Federal agents have arrested an Arkansas professor who allegedly failed to disclose his ties to Chinese entities during the course of securing funding for a NASA research project, the Justice … ( read original story…
As China State Media Taunts U.S. Response to Coronavirus, Trump Senate Ally Seeks Sanctions on Beijing Over Pandemic Probe
“I’m convinced China will never cooperate with a serious investigation unless they are made to do so,” Senator Lindsey Graham said. ( read original story …)