Australian winemakers shipped just A$12 million ($9 million) of wines to China in the December quarter, from A$325 million a year earlier, industry figures showed, confirming that hefty new tariffs …
Tagged By export
South China Sea: UK to send huge naval force near tensest waters to ‘signal power’
THE UK is set to send the largest ever naval flotilla assembled by Britain in recent years to the Indo-Pacific.
Biden Commerce Chief Pledges to Help Businesses Export to China
U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said that the Biden administration needs to help American businesses export to China and do business in the world’s second-largest economy, even as it protects …
Medical Blockchain Applications Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2026: Blockpharma, PokitDok, Patientory
Stay up-to-date and exploit latest trends of Medical Blockchain Applications Market with latest edition released by AMA.
Tesla Tokens From Crypto Exchange Binance Draw BaFin Scrutiny
A push by Binance, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, to offer tokens tied to the performance of popular U.S. stocks is drawing the attention of Germany’s financial regulator.
China labels India, Australia, Japan supply chain plan as ‘artificial’ and ‘unfavourable’ to global economy
Australia, India and Japan formally launched the Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) on Tuesday after the plan was first discussed informally in July at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.
China cuts steel import tariffs to push industry to improve
China suspended some import taxes on steel Wednesday as part of a multiyear campaign to use market pressures to force Chinese producers to shrink and become more energy efficient and profitable.
China’s fuel clampdown curbs its LCO imports, Korean refiners to suffer
South China clampdown tackles both tax evasion and air pollution * Chinese LCO imports to fall, hitting top supplier South Korea SINGAPORE, April 28 (Reuters) – China’s imports of light cycle oil (LCO …
Crews start cleaning up oil spill off China’s Qingdao port
Clean-up crews worked on Wednesday to contain an oil spill in the Yellow Sea near the Chinese port city of Qingdao, a day after a collision between a tanker carrying around a million barrels of…
How to Turn the Tables on China? Use Their A2/AD Military Strategy Against Them
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) specialists will find little new or eye-popping in China’s Military Power, but it does make a worthy refresher for oldtimers and primer for newc …
Philippines Tells China to Mind Its Own Business Over Maritime Drills
China has no business telling the Philippines what it can or cannot do within its waters, Manila’s defence ministry said on Wednesday, rejecting Beijing’s opposition to its ongoing coastguard …
China to punish data exports to overseas courts as Beijing beefs up defence against US long arm
Clause will fine Chinese companies for sharing data without permission but also shields them from foreign pressure.
China Boosts Bid to Cut Steel Output With Import Tax Changes
China stepped up its drive to rein in steel production and fight rocketing iron ore prices by canceling import taxes on some steelmaking materials and raising costs for exporters. Import fees on pig …