Amazon is shutting down its domestic e-commerce marketplace business in China. The U.S. firm said it will focus on “cross-border” selling to Chinese consumers. Amazon has faced stiff competition from … ( read original story…
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China releases new rules on game approvals
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China’s press and publication regulator has issued new rules on applications for publishing online games in China, signaling a possible acceleration in the handing out of formal … ( read original story…
Alibaba head endorses China’s controversial 12 hours a day, 6 days a week work culture
BEIJING — Chinese e-commerce tycoon Jack Ma has long been an example of how the power of big dreams, strong leadership and sheer elbow grease can create massive fortunes in China’s go-go economy. Yet ……
Amazon plans to shut down China marketplace in rare retreat
Amazon still has less than 1% market share in China, according to iResearch. However, Amazon is not entirely pulling out of the country, according to a company spokeswoman. The Seattle e-commerce … ( read original…
The $18 billion electric car bubble at risk of bursting in China
(Bloomberg) – An iPhone assembler, e-commerce emporium and real-estate developer typically don’t compete in the same business – except when it comes to electric vehicles in China. That’s because of a … ( read original…
China ready for summit meet with India despite differences over BRI
China said Friday it was ready to hold a Wuhan-style summit … According to what we know American diplomats, local government and business leaders have confirmed their participation in the 2nd BRF,” … ( read…
Nintendo shares surge more than 14% after tie-up with Tencent to sell Switch console in China
“Nintendo has yet to launch any of its mobile games in China and we believe that the potential of Nintendo’s mobile game business in China is significantly larger than its console business,” Ahmad … (…
China’s financial futures exchange relaxes rules for index futures trading
China’s financial futures exchange said on Friday it was further relaxing index futures trading rules, reducing margin requirements, cutting fees and allowing more trading activities. The China … ( read original story …)
China to maintain policy support for economy as ‘pressure’ and difficulties continue
China will maintain policy support for the economy, which still faces “downward pressure” and difficulties after better-than-expected first quarter growth, a top decision-making body of the Communist … ( read original story …)
China will step up proactive fiscal policy: Xinhua
BEIJING (Reuters) – China will maintain policy support for the economy, which still faces “downward pressure” and difficulties after better-than-expected first quarter growth, a top decision-making … ( read original story …)
The Biggest Blockchain & Crypto Players In China
We dig into China’s blockchain ecosystem and look at investment trends, top companies, and most active investors across the space. China is a key player in the development of blockchain technology, … ( read original…
Pinterest and Zoom surge in early trading after IPO
Another company with a similar name appeared to benefit from the burst of IPO activity. Shares of Beijing-based Zoom Technologies doubled Thursday morning, CNBC reported, suggesting a possible mix-up … ( read original story …)
Which Zoom? Mistaken-Identity Trades Send Tiny Stock Up 70,000%
Zoom Technologies Inc., a Beijing-based maker of mobile phone components whose … The stock gained as much as 83 percent over the $36 IPO price set Wednesday. The mix up was enough to concern ……