Reuters While Trump becomes increasingly hostile to China, and stories of Russian collusion with his campaign and interference in the US election dog his presidency, he’s been missing something crucial about the two countries. China…
Tagged By brands
China just built a 250-acre solar farm shaped like a giant panda
The Panda Power Plant in Datong, China. China Merchants New Energy/Panda Green Energy Most solar farms align their solar arrays in rows and columns to form a grid. A new solar power plant in Datong,…
Open up your markets if you want more business in US, China told
If China wants to invest a lot more in the US, Washington should ask Beijing to grant wider market access and fairer treatment to American businesses in return, according to members of the US investment…
China’s aircraft carrier celebrated on Hong Kong port call
China’s sole operating aircraft carrier arrived on its first port call to Hong Kong on Friday as part of efforts to stir patriotism amid commemorations of the city’s handover from British to Chinese rule 20…
China’s sharing economy is now exporting innovations
The intense competition in the bicycle-sharing business in China, which observers said would end up with a Didi-Uber merger as early as March, has now officially gone global. The Chinese bike-sharing startup Mobike was set…
Luxury brands woo Chinese market with home-grown talent
As China grows to be one of the world’s largest luxury markets, luxury brands are launching collaborations in one way or another with China’s independent designers (and even fashion bloggers) to explore the local market.…
China Movie Ticketing Service Maoyan Plans IPO: CEO
Speaking at the Shanghai International Film Festival, Wang said that Maoyan expects to turn a profit this year and is aiming for an IPO, according to local media … One month later, Beijing-based studio Enlight…
China’s new bond connect won’t ruin interest in mainland equities: EY
The newly-launched bond connect will not outshine Chinese equities, as there’s enough interest and money for both, EY said China has been accelerating listings to reduce a backlog of IPOs and was expected to continue…
Chinese Shoppers Are Turning Their Backs on Foreign Brands
Foreign brands are falling from favor in China, the world’s biggest consumer market, according to reports by Nielsen Holdings Plc and Bain & Co. Domestic companies producing consumer goods such as food and beverages or…
Foreign Brands Capture Less of China’s Growing Consumer Market
Foreign brands are falling from favor in China, the world’s biggest consumer market, according to reports by Nielsen Holdings Plc and Bain & Co. Domestic companies producing consumer goods such as food and beverages or…
Should US companies doing business in China be worried?
Sandra Navidi, BeyondGlobal, LLC, and Li Zhao Mandelbaum, China Iowa Group, discuss whether US companies that are doing business in China should be concerned over North Korea’s missile tests and Trump’s tweets. ( read original…
China looks for free-trade deal with Canada to avoid Norsat controversy
While many Canadian business executives favour the idea of free trade with China, political rivals like Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer oppose it. Scheer told CTV last month that Canada would continue to have a “dynamic”…
Chinese deities flown on business class to Malaysia
Images of three revered Chinese deity statues went viral on social media after they were seen travelling in business class on a flight from China’s port city of Xiamen to the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.…